This page has instructions for buying on our site.

Warranties:  All items sold in the auction are sold AS IS - WHERE IS with no warranties or guarantees either expressed or implied.  While we are not above making mistakes, this is also why we Strongly suggest coming to preview to view items as to their function and usability based on your needs. We strive to never misrepresent product or condition, nor intentionally leave out information regarding items that may be pertinent. But again, we Always recommend coming to preview to inspect items for your yourself. The information presented on or through the website, including descriptions or pictures, is made available solely for general information purposes. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.


*Can I retract or cancel a bid after placing it. No, you are not able to and rarely can we. If you are unsure if the item will work for you, do not place a bid.

*All auctions show an ending time and almost always are staggered so that 3-5 lots close per minute and all items do Not close at the ending time. Example: If an auction has 200 lots and is scheduled to begin closing at 7pm, lot numbers 1-3 will end at 7pm, lot 4-6 will end at 7:01pm, lot 7-9 will end at 7:02pm, etc. The ending time clock will show the time to end and lots closing can vary from auction to auction, depending on how many lots are on the auction.

*Bidding Extension - Most auctions have a 3 minute extension period but this can change. This means that if a bid is placed in the last 3 minutes of its posted closing time, it will automatically extend the time clock to 3 minutes and will continue to do so, as long as there is active bidding placed until no further bids are placed.

Technical Difficulty - It rarely happens, but in the event that it does, Bid-Master Auctions reserves the right to extend the closing date or time as needed.

Auction Cancellation - Rarely, due to circumstances beyond our control, Bid-Master Auctions reserves the right to cancel, extend, or reschedule an auction.